This 2015 - 2026 accessibility plan outlines the policies and actions that Microforum Services Group (Microforum) will put in place to improve opportunities for people with disabilities. Our plan is reviewed and updated once every 5 years.
Statement of Commitment
Microforum is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration and equal opportunity. We are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner, and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.
Accessible Emergency Information
Microforum is committed to providing the customers and clients with publicly available emergency information in an accessible way upon request. We will also provide employees with disabilities with individualized emergency response information when necessary.
Microforum will provide training to employees, volunteers and other staff members on Ontario’s accessibility laws and on the Human Rights Code as it relates to people with disabilities. Training will be provided in a way that best suits the duties of employees, volunteers and other staff members.
Microforum will take the following steps to ensure employees are provided with the training needed to meet Ontario’s accessible laws by January 1, 2015:
-Provide ongoing training to all employees, volunteers and other staff members by means of online, in-person and self-directed materials.
-Develop a training plan to ensure that all staff receive ongoing training as well as ensure our policies and training materials are made part of our orientation package.
Information and Communications
Microforum is committed to meeting the communication needs of people with disabilities. We will consult with people with disabilities to determine their information and communication needs.
Microforum will take the following steps to make all new websites and content on those sites conform with WCAG 2.0, Level A by January 1, 2014:
-Train our content editors and website administrators on the ‘WCAG 2.0, Level A’ requirements.
Microforum will take the following steps to ensure existing feedback processes are accessible to people with disabilities upon request by January 1, 2015:
-Encourage feedback about our accessibility, including customer service, website, and employment practices.
-Feedback can be submitted using an online ‘Contact Us’ form, which is available at:
-Feedback may also be made in writing, by telephone, fax, or email to:
Microforum, Human Resources
1 Woodborough Ave., Toronto ON M6M 5A1
Tel: 416-654-8008, Fax: 416-654-3663
The HR Manager or a delegate will review the customer feedback, investigate the situation, try to resolve it and provide a response within 2 business days of receiving the information.
Microforum will take the following steps to make sure all publicly available information is made accessible upon request by January 1, 2016:
-Post on our website that we can provide information accessible upon request.
-If a person with a disability asks for it, we will work with them to determine how to meet their needs within a reasonable timeframe.
Microforum will take the following steps to make all websites and content conform with WCAG 2.0, Level AA by January 1, 2021.
-Work with our web development group as well as utilizing online accessibility validator tools to identify and address any accessibility problems.
-Continue to review website accessibility with external organizations to maintain the required levels of accessibility for users with disabilities.
Microforum is committed to fair and accessible employment practices.
We will take the following steps to notify the public and staff that, when requested, Microforum will accommodate people with disabilities during the recruitment and assessment processes and when people are hired by January 1, 2016:
-List on our website that accommodations can be made available to those that request it.
-Review and monitor whether hiring managers tell prospective employees that accommodations are available throughout the interview process.
Microforum will take the following steps to develop and put in place a process for developing individual accommodation plans and return-to-work policies for employees that have been absent due to a disability by January 1, 2016:
-Work to identify those staff that require an individual accommodation plan and involve them in the development of said plan which outlines the accommodations we will provide.
-Provide plans in accessible formats
-Keep all individual accommodation plan information private.
We will take the following steps to ensure the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities needs are taken into account if Microforum is using performance management, career development and redeployment processes:
-Performance plans can be provided in large print or can be read aloud to an employee with low vision.
-Review an employee’s accommodation plan to understand the needs and determine whether it needs adjusting to improve his or her performance on the job.
-Adjust the accommodation plan, with the employee’s participation, to meet any new role or responsibilities in the event of a promotion or re-employment
For more information or to request free accessible formats of this document contact:
Microforum, Human Resources
1 Woodborough Ave., Toronto ON M6M 5A1
Tel: 416-654-8008, Fax: 416-654-3663